New Episode 31 Screenshots

I’m hoping to release this episode at the end of March. I know that’s a ways away, but this is by far the most difficult episode I’ve worked on. Hopefully I can get everything I want to work on a technical aspect.  I can say without a doubt it will...

End of the Year update 2015.

I have a lot to say about this year and most of it is quite depressing really; I don’t mean for it to be a sob story, but it’s all to let you know what happened this year. So first thing that was major for me was a lot of health issues in February. I had...

Majora’s Mask Skyfall

Your browser does not support the video tag. I made this music video in 2012 and on youtube it had about 900 views which was not bad, and there were a lot of comments that complimented that they liked it…a lot more comments than I’d usually get. So what does...

SDS Episode 31 Clip

It’s going to be a couple of months before I can release this episode. This is a rough clip of about 2 minutes to give you an idea of what it will be like. This is not the final version of this scene, some of the animation is off so it will look better in the...