Time to wrap it up…

Over the past few weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about the structure of Seven Dark Sorcerers and I realized that I had written the last parts to be in an episodic format which was natural because this is an episodic show. However the more I thought about it the...

Health issues and stuff.

Feels like I haven’t updated in awhile, so I should probably let you know what’s going on. I went to the doctor about two weeks ago and my doctor told me that she noticed my Blood Pressure had been consistently high most of my visits, and she asked me to...

Old User accounts.

On February 28th I’m going to do a clean up of old user accounts. If you haven’t logged in to zeldalinkedgreen.com in the past year, I’m going to click a button that deletes your account, and if you see this too late then your welcome to create a new...

Last update for the year.

Things are winding down for the year so I thought I’d share some of my thoughts about 2014. I’d call this year a pretty good success as we released Episode 26, 27, 28, and finally brought a close to the Tragedy of Eclipso. Also as a bonus…maybe?…I released...

Episode 29 preview

After Episode 28, as you might have guessed, Episode 29’s pace will slow down a little. I’m not sure what all I can say about this episode without it being a spoiler, but I’ll try.   The next episode follows Dark Link as he tries to get answers...