Member Cleanup

Due to many spam users registering for I am issuing a cleanup of members. I need a response from you if you are a user of If you wish to remain as a user please respond to this email/post or post a comment in the new post:...

Update for May.

It’s been quiet around here I’ll admit. I’ve been taking a small break after making 2 episodes last month, and I’ve been doing some thinking… Seeing as how I’m more ahead of schedule than I planned I might animate the Episodes from...

Episode 22 Preview

This is one of those rare times where I’ve been working on an episode and I want to hype it up by showing something that makes you say “What is going on?!” I may reveal more later, but I’ve been working on this episode for the past...

Episode 21 and 22.

Seven Dark Sorcerers has been jumping around alot between characters and battles. From Episode 14 to 18 we’ve seen about four to five different battles, all between different characters. Episode 21 will continue Link, Zelda, and Midna’s part, while Episode...

Been working on stuff

I’ve been working on stuff…And it feels like I’m not getting very far. I’m working on Tragedy of Eclipso part 3 and I hope to have it done by the end of the month. I’m moving out of my apartment again for a lot of good reasons and I found...

Episode 18 soon?

I’m not sure where to start here… A lot of stuff has been happening behind the scenes with me and people I know, and I guess most of us are dealing with situations that are difficult. I know that you all want to know when Tragedy of Eclipso will be...