I uploaded two things for April Fool’s day incase you missed it. On Deviant Art I posted a poster that celebrated Seven Dark Sorcerers being the “Worst” Zelda animated series which was presented by www.zeldaaprilfools.com

Second I uploaded the first Episode of Cyber Zelda which is available on Newgrounds. I thought it was appropriate to release it on April fool’s day. I’ve found errors and the game suffers from lag in some places and it was received as well as it probably could have been there. I probably went too far in some areas, but the game is ridiculous, the premise is ridiculous, and I came up with the game at a time when I was depressed and needed to make something fun and outrageous so I’m happy with the concept overall.

I’ve been working more on Episode 27. I’ve come up with some new effects which are pushing the limits of Flash more than I ever have. To give you an example: no flash file (swf) has ever been larger than 20MB before…part one is 30MB and it’s not finished yet. I’m concerned if the file will even play since I experienced so much lag on the Cyber Zelda game. We’ll see.

Also I’m trying a new layout. I think this one is more readable than the previous one, the other one looked neat but it wou-
ld break the the te-
xt like this and it was ann-
oying me.

Let me know which layout you liked better!

[yop_poll id=”1″]

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