I was interviewed by Zelda Universe

Interview with Landon, the creator of Zelda Linked Green https://t.co/eSCd0bafZU pic.twitter.com/BraPiwIH3d — Zelda Universe (@ZeldaUniverse) June 26, 2016 Click the link to...

Youtube Playlist & Outtakes

  My plans changed a little. I’m a lot more burned out from creating than I thought. Instead of working on a new comic/animation I’ve been uploading the old Episodes of Seven Dark Sorcerers to youtube again. I was very reluctant at first due to all...

Episode 31 aftermath

Let’s talk about Episode 31.   I’m very happy with how the episode turned out overall, and from what I can tell many people are happy as well. So we’re all happy. Now for the not-so-happy news. There are two episodes left in total, and I know...

New Episode 31 Screenshots

I’m hoping to release this episode at the end of March. I know that’s a ways away, but this is by far the most difficult episode I’ve worked on. Hopefully I can get everything I want to work on a technical aspect.  I can say without a doubt it will...

End of the Year update 2015.

I have a lot to say about this year and most of it is quite depressing really; I don’t mean for it to be a sob story, but it’s all to let you know what happened this year. So first thing that was major for me was a lot of health issues in February. I had...