Feels like I haven’t updated in awhile, so I should probably let you know what’s going on. I went to the doctor about two weeks ago and my doctor told me that she noticed my Blood Pressure had been consistently high most of my visits, and she asked me to document my results for two weeks, so I did, and then she told me that my blood pressure was too high, so she put me on a blood pressure medicine, and I got back a few hours ago from doing an EKG and I had blood drawn to check things like my cholesterol. I’m on a different diet now that consists of turkey and chicken sandwiches. I use to eat fast food everyday for lunch and sometimes dinner, now I have maybe 1 fast food lunch a week. I’m walking a lot more, about a mile a day, and I’m trying really hard to keep myself healthy.

This was a lot for me to take in as I had been very care-free about my lifestyle before…sadly I can’t ignore this stuff anymore. It’s been a very tough few weeks as before this I was having awful sinus pain in my head and teeth and it’s still lingering now and it feels like it’s not going away. So I’ve been sick, health obsessive, just a lot going on right now.

Well obviously I can’t get the episode out this month. When will it come out? I’m not sure. My voice actors have also been sick and busy with work, so the only thing I can do is work on Episode 30 so it can come out sooner.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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