Young Link has been lied to. The mastermind behind the Seven Dark Sorcerers will finally be revealed, and everyone will learn the price of revenge.

First of all this is 52 minutes long. I am both proud and somewhat apologetic, as I didn’t even know it was that long until last night. Length aside, I really hope that this is received well as I worked harder on this episode than a few past ones combined.

Overall I’m happy how this episode turned out, and I do realize it’s flaws, there may be parts that are frustrating regarding the pacing, or moments that are silly, but it doesn’t bother me too much. I think what bothered me most was trying to get a smooth 30fps at 1080p at the very end because there were a lot of technical difficulties; some I had literally never seen before and didn’t think were even possible. I hope you enjoy.


I’d like to thank our new voice actors for lending their voices: Nick Thulhu, BenClemmerVA, and MsAllyCat.

ScootWhookos———–Young Link, Raph
Son —————————–Eclipso
Kiki Rukata ——————Zelda, Young Zelda, Marina, Maria
SpikerMan87—————Link, Dark Link, Rigalo
MsAllyCat——————–Zelda The First
Nick Thulhu—————–Ghirahim

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