Zelda Seven Dark Sorcerers Episode 32 Trailer

There’s no earthly way of knowing…
Which direction we are going…

Special thanks to Nick who voices Ghirahim for helping with this trailer. Nick sings the Wily Wonka Tunnel song which I really wanted for this trailer and he did a perfect job.

Thanks Nick!

Youtube Playlist & Outtakes


My plans changed a little. I’m a lot more burned out from creating than I thought. Instead of working on a new comic/animation I’ve been uploading the old Episodes of Seven Dark Sorcerers to youtube again. I was very reluctant at first due to all the copyright problems Youtube is having, however I’ve received a few requests to put the episodes to youtube, so this is my attempt to bring them back. Hopefully they won’t get taken down this time.

The list is not finished, but it will be updated throughout the next few weeks, I’ll post on twitter when a new episode is added to the list.

Episode 31 aftermath

Let’s talk about Episode 31.


I’m very happy with how the episode turned out overall, and from what I can tell many people are happy as well. So we’re all happy. Now for the not-so-happy news. There are two episodes left in total, and I know that sounds disappointing to all of you, but I’ve said it many a times that I should have stopped making Zelda cartoons a long time ago. I have no plans to make another Zelda series, and you know, if I wanted, this could go on forever and ever, and I feel if it did it would eventually become stale and boring and I would run out of ideas of what to do.

If you’re still sad or frustrated that the end is coming soon…I was never the right man for the job. I tried my best to give the Zelda community a serious Zelda animated show, and whether I succeeded or not, I tried, and I think I came the closest someone could.

Episode 32 may be about as long as this episode was, and believe it or not there are STILL things to spoil. The next episode has one big moment that changes everything and it’s a moment that you’ll never forget, so look forward to that. I’m going to work on this and the comic and I am praying and hoping for a release for Episode 32 in August. I hope the comic will tide you over until then.


Zelda Seven Dark Sorcerers Episode 31

Young Link has been lied to. The mastermind behind the Seven Dark Sorcerers will finally be revealed, and everyone will learn the price of revenge.

First of all this is 52 minutes long. I am both proud and somewhat apologetic, as I didn’t even know it was that long until last night. Length aside, I really hope that this is received well as I worked harder on this episode than a few past ones combined.

Overall I’m happy how this episode turned out, and I do realize it’s flaws, there may be parts that are frustrating regarding the pacing, or moments that are silly, but it doesn’t bother me too much. I think what bothered me most was trying to get a smooth 30fps at 1080p at the very end because there were a lot of technical difficulties; some I had literally never seen before and didn’t think were even possible. I hope you enjoy.



I’d like to thank our new voice actors for lending their voices: Nick Thulhu, BenClemmerVA, and MsAllyCat.

ScootWhookos———–Young Link, Raph
Son —————————–Eclipso
Kiki Rukata ——————Zelda, Young Zelda, Marina, Maria
SpikerMan87—————Link, Dark Link, Rigalo
MsAllyCat——————–Zelda The First
Nick Thulhu—————–Ghirahim

New Episode 31 Screenshots

I’m hoping to release this episode at the end of March. I know that’s a ways away, but this is by far the most difficult episode I’ve worked on. Hopefully I can get everything I want to work on a technical aspect.  I can say without a doubt it will be worth the wait.

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Majora’s Mask Skyfall

I made this music video in 2012 and on youtube it had about 900 views which was not bad, and there were a lot of comments that complimented that they liked it…a lot more comments than I’d usually get. So what does youtube do? They block it worldwide. So with the new bond movie coming up and because I was reminded of it, this is quite literally an exclusive video to this site. Hope you enjoy.

SDS Episode 31 Clip

It’s going to be a couple of months before I can release this episode. This is a rough clip of about 2 minutes to give you an idea of what it will be like. This is not the final version of this scene, some of the animation is off so it will look better in the final version.

This is also a test to see if I can finally get a smooth framerate. A consistent 30fps has always been a problem due to so much imagery and movement in a scene at the same time.

There’s no sound effects. I save that for last along with inserting dialouge.

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